The Colorado State Patrol, in alignment with our mission and vision statements, has implemented and supported several educational safety programs in the past. The programs that the Colorado State Patrol has been involved with include G.R.E.A.T. (Gang Resistance Education and Training), Alive at 25 (AA25), ADoD (Attitudinal Dynamics of Driving), Impact Teen Drivers and Take it to the Track.
The traffic and driving-focused education programs that the Colorado State Patrol has supported previously did not typically include content for younger, non-driving populations. It is our intention through structuring our program to begin in early-childhood education, that we may positively impact the future of Colorado’s youth when faced with the personal choices they make regarding traffic and personal safety.
The Chief’s vision is to change the culture of Colorado’s student population when it comes to areas such as safety in and out of the classroom, making informed choices and traffic safe.