Colorado School District Needs Inventory: Fall 2020

As a follow-up to the spring 2020 statewide needs assessment, The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) and The Colorado Education Initiative (CEI) partnered on a second needs inventory administered from October 14 to October 30, 2020 to update Colorado’s understanding of current challenges facing schools and districts as they work to sustain and enhance support for students, staff, and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Note the dates of administration above when interpreting results, as district responses may have evolved since, especially related to learning model and childcare offerings.

Superintendents, BOCES directors, and charter and facility school leaders were encouraged to complete the needs inventory to help CDE, policymakers, and funders make informed, data-driven decisions. This report summarizes responses from districts and a few BOCES, as detailed on the next slide.

The analyses of the resulting data from this second needs inventory focused on highlighting needs by rural status, region, and other variables of interest. Regional analyses of the needs inventory were conducted using the eight CDE regions.


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