Storytelling Tips

Add your story to The Hub community! Shared experiences help us as we consider how to take action and create movement.

Submit a Story to The Hub

Consider these aspects

  • Where does the story begin? Was there a problem to solve… did you have an idea…were you participating in a collaborative effort?
  • Why does the focus of this story resonate with you personally? What compelled you to act?
  • How did you determine your goals and desired outcomes?
  • What strategies did you choose to achieve your goal… and why?
  • Did you adjust your strategies/plans along the way? If so, what prompted the change?
  • Who and/or what helped you advance your work?
  • Were there any obstacles that you overcame – and did these obstacles reveal any new ways of thinking for you?
  • Did you reach your desired outcome, and/or arrive at unintended outcomes?
  • What surprised you on this journey?
  • Do you have tangible/measurable evidence of the impact your work has had?
  • What’s next for you and your work?

Choose a format

Written Narrative

  • Use the headline and first paragraph to start your story with a question or observation that makes the reader curious to find out what happens.
  • Consider how to use empathy and emotion to connect with readers, describing what you saw, felt, and sensed during your experience.
  • Aim for about 1,000 words.
  • Use subheads and bullets to break up long segments of text.


  • Consider the most compelling aspect of your story  and make that your focus.
  • Record a brief narrative or conduct quick interviews to share your experience
  • Allow the camera to set the scene and script your narrative to describe key takeaways.
  • Video stories should be about two minutes long

Photo Essay

  • Gather images of people, places and objects that illustrate your journey.
  • Use your smartphone to capture photos with a strong focal point
  • Cop out distracting backgrounds.
  • Consider how close-ups, high or low angles, and lighting can enhance the photo.
  • Write captions or a brief paragraph for each image that capture the progression of the story.
  • Use three or four images to share your story, with each capturing a point in time, or progression of the story.
  • Use images that capture where, when, how, and why.

Always confirm that students who appear in photos and videos have the appropriate media permission on file with their school or district. A media release is not required for adults when they are filmed in public places, but it is a good rule of thumb (and professional courtesy) to notify them you will be filming and ask if they have any objections.