United Way of Weld County’s Reading Great by 8 is our Early Childhood Effort. Reading Great by 8 is composed of a wide array of programs, all focused on early childhood (prenatal to 8 years old). Our programs include, but are not limited to Family Support and Education( parenting classes, Baby Boxes, Home Visitation Committee, Covering Weld Diaper Bank, etc.), Weld Child Care (programs, funding, and support for those who want to pursue becoming a licensing child care provider; in addition we can also help make child care affordable for families), Family, Friend, and Neighbor care (FFN association and PASO), Support for Licensed Childcare providers ( Quality Improvement, professional development, grants/funding for child care providers, etc.), and Family Business Solutions (a program for businesses to help employees pay for child care). Weld County’s Early Childhood Council is also housed under United Way of Weld County that advocates and builds Early Childhood systems.