Colorado Healthy Schools Smart Source

Colorado Healthy Schools Smart Source (Smart Source) is a FREE comprehensive streamlined data collection tool for any Colorado K-12 school.  Smart Source serves as a comprehensive inventory of best practices related to health and wellness designed to inform improvements in school, district, and state policies and practices that positively impact student health and academic outcomes. Smart Source is an essential tool that state and local communities use to better understand how to improve their school health efforts and ultimately, impact the health of their students. The data collected by the survey is at the school-level and (no student-level data is collected) focuses on the ten content areas associated with the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model (WSCC) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Smart Source is administered statewide in elementary, secondary, and combined schools (schools that serve both elementary and secondary grades) and provides schools with data reports to help inform and drive school health policies and practices.  Smart Source is administered every odd year in coordination with the student-level Healthy Kids Colorado Survey (HKCS).

Participating schools designate a site coordinator to serve as the point person for the assessment in their school and it is recommended that schools complete the assessment as a team to arrive at consensus about their responses.

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) will oversee the administration of Smart Source in fall 2019.

Note:  Smart Source has been approved by the Office of School Nutrition at the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) as meeting the assessment requirement of local wellness policy (LWP) implementation set forth by provisions of the 2010 Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act.  If your district has your administrative review (AR), please contact CDPHE to participate in an “off-year” administration.


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