Archives: Resources
Teaching social skills through Growth Mindset books – Elementary
This blog post ‘Teaching Social Skills: Growth Mindset Classroom’ on provides many ideas and resources to use in the classroom. The books listed in the blog (about halfway down on the post) are quick… […]
15 Tough Truths Every Teen Needs to Hear
This article is from the blog ‘Raising Teen’s today’. The blog focuses on teens and their needs along with parenting teens, what to think about when considering college, and many other teen-related topics. This article… […]
Sources of Strength-Resources for Practicing Strength at Home
Sources of Strength is a public health program that focuses on promoting mental health and building protective factors that increase connection, coping, resiliency, and wellness. This in turn prevents suicide, violence, bullying, substance abuse, and… […]
Centennial Mental Health Community Newsletter
Do Not Underestimate the Power of Gratitude. In this newsletter, you will find information on the importance of showing gratitude and helpful ways to incorporate it into your everyday life. You will also find phone… […]
Student Video
High School Students talking about the benefits of having a mentor […]
Operating Schools during COVID-19: CDC’s Recommendations
As communities in the United States consider how to safely re-open K-12 school buildings and in-person services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers updated considerations for mitigation strategies that K-12 school administrators can… […]
Safe Schools During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Schools are facing many challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Find guidelines and helpful suggestions about safe school operation in this article from […]
Cooking Matters at Home Toolkit
As families navigate the Coronavirus crisis, planning and preparing meals can be an incredible challenge in an already stressful time. Cooking Matters at Home offers ideas for how families can use what foods are available… […]
Coronavirus Isolated LGBTQ Students from Community-Now They’re Going Back to School
The pandemic has isolated everyone, including the LGBTQ community. This is a good article with resource links at the end. […]
Rural Communities Resource Center
The Rural Communities Resource Center is a grassroots, nonprofit organization in Northeast Colorado. The Resource Center provides advocacy, education, and support to create systems change and develop programs that promote the physical, emotional and economic… […]