Rights, Respect, Responsibility Sex Ed Curriculum – Google Classroom English and Spanish

Our popular and free 3Rs curriculum available in three grade bands in Google Classroom has just been translated into Spanish. If you’re teaching high school, 8th grade or Grades 5/6 and have Spanish-speaking learners, you’re welcome to sign up to access our Google Classrooms as a co-teacher so you can make a copy of the entire course, make any changes you need to and then share it with your students. Please complete this short form to sign up – https://forms.gle/YHqZxX2XxvADCzKs7

Nuestro popular y gratuito plan de estudios de las 3R disponible en tres bandas de grado en Google Classroom ha sido traducido al español. Si está enseñando en la escuela secundaria, el octavo grado o los grados 5/6 y tiene estudiantes de habla española, puede registrarse para acceder a nuestras clases de Google como co-maestro para que haga una copia del curso, realice modificaciones necesarias y compartirlas con sus alumnos. Complete este breve formulario para inscribirse – https://forms.gle/YHqZxX2XxvADCz


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