Strategic Partnership results in an Intergenerational, All-Abilities Playground in Weld RE-1

Weld County School District RE-1 partnered with The North Colorado Health Alliance to build a beautiful intergenerational, all-abilities playground and disc golf course at Pete Mirich Elementary School (PMES) in LaSalle, CO. With funding through… […]
Fuel Up to Play 60

Fuel Up to Play 60 is a great program to bring to any school. My school has participated in the program for five years. It provides many resources including funding for health and wellness programs… […]
The Emotion Sensation Feeling Wheel for Elementary & Middle School

This is a great chart for students to help identify different emotions. The website has many resources to help students identify and respond to social-emotional situations. The two inner rings of this wheel are… […]
Books for 7th and 8th Graders
Seventh and Eighth Grade can prove a particularly tricky time, your child hurtling towards puberty and beginning to morph into the young adult they will become. At this crucial juncture, it’s a good idea to… […]
Classroom Mystery Reward

I found this idea on Pinterest. I wish I knew who to give credit too, the link takes you to a Twitter page. I thought it was something new and different to use to promote… […]
How to Use The Skittles Game to Encourage Your Kids to Be Kinder

This blog ‘Coffee & Carpool’ focuses on kindness. It has lots of resources to teach kids about all the sides of Kindness. How to be kind, receiving kindness, and tools to use when others are… […]
Overview of SEL
Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and… […]
Mentor Agreement
Mentor Agreement I use when bringing on new Mentors for our high school Student Leadership Program […]
Teaching social skills through Growth Mindset books – Elementary

This blog post ‘Teaching Social Skills: Growth Mindset Classroom’ on provides many ideas and resources to use in the classroom. The books listed in the blog (about halfway down on the post) are quick… […]
15 Tough Truths Every Teen Needs to Hear

This article is from the blog ‘Raising Teen’s today’. The blog focuses on teens and their needs along with parenting teens, what to think about when considering college, and many other teen-related topics. This article… […]
Student Video
High School Students talking about the benefits of having a mentor […]
Rural Communities Resource Center

The Rural Communities Resource Center is a grassroots, nonprofit organization in Northeast Colorado. The Resource Center provides advocacy, education, and support to create systems change and develop programs that promote the physical, emotional and economic… […]
Southeast Health Group
Mission Statement Southeast Health Group is committed to delivering exceptional health care services to the communities of southeastern Colorado. Our Staff Value Statement Southeast Health Group employs staff with the credentials, competence, commitment, professionalism and… […]
UpRise Youth Tobacco Movement
We are UpRISE, Colorado’s Social Justice Tobacco Control Movement. Our mission is to amplify the passion of Colorado’s young people in order to expose the dangerous practices of the tobacco industry and increase awareness about… […]
Hunger Resources for Families/Students from Hunger Free Colorado
Hunger is a growing concern for families and students. Access Colorado’s hunger resources here: Hunger Resources for Families Help is just a phone call away for Coloradans seeking food assistance. The Food Resource Hotline is… […]
Chavez-Huerta Preparatory Academy Reimagining Nutrition and Health Services for one Charter School Community (Pueblo)
Reimagining Nutrition and Health Services for one Charter School Community Chavez-Huerta Preparatory Academy (CHPA) is a K-12 Charter School serving 1022 students for the 2019-2020 school year in Pueblo, Colorado. Over the last two years… […]
Remote Meeting Best Practices
COVID-19 may very well have permanently changed the way educators need to communicate with their students; here are a handful of tips to help your remote meetings and classes run smoothly. […]
Virtual Relaxation Room
A wonderful collection of resources to deal with stress, put together by Maryville University. There are meditation recordings, Stress Management 101 Workshop series, app suggestions, relaxing games, and music for wellness (my favorite part of… […]
Restorative Practices in the Classroom
In this document you will find the research and power behind the use of restorative practices in a classroom setting. Restorative practices is more than classroom management but instead a culture and climate shift. […]
Pathway 2 Success

This is a link to the Facebook page for Pathway 2 Success. They have lots of Social-Emotional Resources to use for all grade levels. There is a link to their website on the Facebook page. … […]
Science Crossword Puzzles and Games
Just as science can include many different topics, like chemistry, earth science, and biology, learning science can take many different forms, like reading, experimenting, and puzzle-solving. For students who enjoy crossword puzzles and games, there… […]
How Sick is Too Sick
This is a great resource from CDPHE on when to keep your child home when they are sick. […]
Swing Of Things Scholarship
Starting your college education can be a big step and a big change in your life. We want to know how you plan on making the transition and get into the swing of things. You… […]
Flamboyan Foundation – Beginning of the Year Relationship Building Toolkit
Designed for educators, this Toolkit provides strategies and considerations to build strong, authentic, and trusting relationships with students and families at the start of the school year – regardless of how you may be teaching this… […]
Row as One to a Healthy Horizon, Weld RE-1 Success Story by RMC Health

RMC Health wrote and published a “Success Story” about Weld County School District RE-1 in Northern Colorado. This resource details how passionate staff, committed leadership, strategic partnerships, evidence-based best practices, and research supported wellness initiatives… […]
Video and Tip Sheet-Talking to Youth About Vaping
This video identifies steps to engage in conversation with youth about the dangers related to vaping. There are also many additional great resources on that can assist schools and families while negotiating conversations around… […]
Comprehensive Sexual Health Letter Template
In APS, we have designed a form letter which goes out to our families and guardians whenever sexual health lessons are being conducted. This letters has gone through several iterations, and we have used feedback… […]
SHAPE America’s 2020-2021 School Reentry Considerations: K-12 Physical Education, Health Education, and Physical Activity
SHAPE America’s 2020-2021 School Reentry Considerations: K-12 Physical Education, Health Education, and Physical Activity provides schools with recommendations and school reentry considerations based on the guidance for schools provided by the Center for Disease Control… […]
SHAPE America Guide to re-opening schools
SHAPE America’s 2020-2021 School Reentry Considerations: K-12 Physical Education, Health Education, and Physical Activity provides schools with recommendations and school reentry considerations based on the guidance for schools provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention… […]
Summer Enrichment- ‘Nourish You’- Goes Virtual
Typically the Wellness Team and D6 Nutrition Services provide summer classes for students through the district’s Summer Enrichment program. This has included nutrition education, healthy cooking, mindfulness, farm to school, physical activity and more. Unfortunately,… […]
Action for Healthy Kids: Game On Activity Library
The website, Action for Healthy Kids, has put together many resources for families to be active at home. This link will take you to the Action for Healthy Kids website where these resources are available. […]
Internet Safety Presentation for 5th Grade
We have recieved an increase in requests for presentations/lessons to address Internet Safety with our students, and subsequently parents. This presentation was what we used this year, and we will be making some slight tweaks… […]
Family Activity Planning Guide
When families are physically active together, they can have fun while encouraging healthy choice. I think this says it all! Within your family, encourage, push, enjoy, laugh, play and have fun together. Most importantly though,… […]
Action for Healthy Kids Wellness Coalition Application
AFHK is currently accepting applications from interested districts to join our community of school health and wellness experts. This expanded coalition, the National School District Wellness (NSDW) Coalition, will represent 40-50 districts across the country… […]
Time-Saving Physical Activities for Busy Families
This resources is very simple yet very clever. Some of these ideas you would never have thought of, and they will definitely add more physical activity into your day. I perform some of these activities… […]
SHAPE AMERICA Mind Body Activity Calendars – June
SHAPE America Calendars for Mind-Body are great tools with many ideas to help youth stay active and healthy, especially now with COVID-19 restrictions. Activities are fun, easy to follow and age-appropriate. Calendars are available in… […]
Carlos’ Colorful Salsa (2nd Grade Nutrition Education Lesson)
This hands-on nutrition education lesson encourages students to eat a variety of vegetables every day. Students learn about farming, plants, and the cultural aspects of the Espanola Valley, and they make and eat a colorful… […]
Messaging for Multilingual Families-Health Education
When it came to notifying our parents and guardians that schools were about to begin Comprehensive Health units, we ran into logistical issues with distribution of letters and connections with home. We were finding that… […]
Moving More at Home

Help families move more with our free tools, resources, games, activities, and more designed to make physical activity easy and fun for all! […]
Family Activity Planning Guide
When families are physically active together, they can have fun while encouraging healthy choices. Hang this chart on a wall or refrigerator and track your family activity goals each month! […]
All Weather Family Activities
Kids need 60 minutes of physical activity every day! Both youth and adults can spread out their physical activity by engaging in short bouts of movement throughout the day. To help you get started, here… […]
Nature-Based BINGO
Celebrate the natural world around us using this handy BINGO card filled with nature-friendly activities. […]
Active At-Home Scavenger Hunt
Scavenger hunts are fun activities that can support curiosity, learning, and physical activity. Whether indoors or outside, there are plenty of things around us to explore. For a fun, simple activity that can get the… […]
10 Tips for Taking Screen Breaks
These tips from experts and parents can help balance screen time, physical activity, and family connection. […]
Choose Your Own Family Adventure
Answer 3 simple questions to choose your family’s own custom adventure – a fun activity that will get everyone up and moving this summer, together! […]
Time-Saving Physical Activities for Busy Families
Time-saving strategies for getting the whole family active while accomplishing routine tasks. […]
School Meals Marketing Social Media Toolkit

Partners of the Colorado Blueprint to End Hunger have developed a free set of social media graphics and content to help with marketing school meals to a broader set of parents. The resources are free. […]
Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)
I love this initiative. I could not think of anything worse than a child going hungry! The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) provides free breakfast, lunch, snack and supper to youth in Colorado all summer… […]
Uncharted- Podcast #2 By Two Colorado Educators
In this episode, I interview Aqua Stovall about her experiences of leading in education through post-Katrina recovery in New Orleans and the parallels we can all draw to the current COVID-19 pandemic. -Leading Schools/Kids Out… […]
Video Stress Reducing Tips By Student Leaders
The Asset Education website provide a short video series about created by student leaders about stress reduction: ANXIETY IS AT AN ALL-TIME HIGH. People across the world need to be equipped with tools to help… […]
Food Day Curriculum To Use in Schools During October (or anytime)
These lessons are designed to be taught as part of Food Day events in your community, but they can be used at any time. Teaching these lessons, we believe, will be a rewarding experience for… […]
Teaching Science Through Cooking With Kids
With patience and creativity, children can learn more about the science behind food and nutrition by experimenting in the kitchen. Explore answers to questions such as, “what is baking soda and why is it important?”… […]
Using Common Household Items to Foster Play with Kids
Enjoy some fun and games with common household items using this resource provided by Colorado Action for Healthy Kids. This resources shows how to utilize some imagination to bump up the fun and activity level… […]
Farm to School Curriculum
From the Colorado Farm to School Task Force, this excel spreadsheet is compilation of all the best FTS curriculum available in an easily searchable format. Need to identify school garden science curriculum for middle schoolers?… […]
Farm to School Primer-Farm to School in Colorado
How do schools get more farm product into their school meal programs? This tool provides an overview of farm to school efforts already underway in Colorado. This is a useful tool for a school or… […]
Qualifying for Provisional Programs in Colorado
A toolkit for Districts to increase their identified student percentage. […]
Signs of Abuse and Neglect Resources for Teachers
Information on what to look for, how to prepare a report, what to expect when reporting and the dos and don’ts of reporting. […]
Website: Coping Skills for Kids & Teens
Coping Skills for Kids provides products and resources to help kids learn to cope with the daily challenges of life. These resources for educators and parents help young people develop coping skills related to COVID19,… […]
Social Emotional Workshop Blog and Resources
Social Emotional Workshop is a subscription-based service that provides weekly emails with social, emotional, and behavioral intervention ideas, and exclusive access to The Toolbox, a growing library of bite-size counseling resources. […]
16 Social-Emotional Learning Games from Proud to be Primary
These social-emotional learning games from Proud to be Primary are great for the classroom or home use. Teach positive social interactions, encourage relationship skills, and practice effective communication. […]
12 Games to Teach Social-Emotional Learning from Playworks
Playworks creates a place for every kid on the playground to feel included, be active, and build valuable social and emotional skills. Here are some of the games and activities our schools use to make… […]
SEL Activities from Everyday Speech
Everyday Speech is providing users the ability to share interactive social skills games and materials with parents, 100% free, through July 1. Parents will have access to the same videos, worksheets, and games that are… […]
SEL Activities from
Free Social Emotional Learning Activities from include lessons, activities, and printables in the following skill areas: Communication, Cooperation, Emotion Regulation, Empathy, Impulse Control, and Social Initiation. These resources are age-appropriate for elementary and middle… […]
Calm for Bedtime
Put your kids to bed with the Calm app. Calm is helping kids around the world fall asleep so that their parents can also get a little peace and relaxation. So, why is everyone downloading… […]
Leader In Me-Family Resources (Social-Emotional Learning)
Over 3,800 resources can be found on Leader in Me Online! School staff members can access thousands of resources including lesson plans, videos, classroom materials, and on-demand professional development courses as part of their school… […]
Behavioral Threat Assessment and Management (BTAM): Best Practice Considerations for K–12 Schools
Behavioral threat assessment and management (BTAM) is a fact-based, systematic process designed to identify, assess, and manage potentially dangerous or violent situations. School safety experts, law enforcement officials, and the United States Departments of Education,… […]
APS Covid-19 & Remote Learning
This link provides a summary of the current targets that APS is focused on, along with a list of places to receive support (meals, technology, utilities etc.). Students, parents, staff and community stakeholders are encouraged… […]
Hub Ambassador Extra Credit Tracking Video

This short video explains how Hub Ambassadors track the new Extra Credit activities from the April-May 2020 Tip of the Month. […]
Let Kids Move!
A Physical Activity Fast Fact Sheet for Principals created by a student in the MAT-PEPAL program through UNC. […]
CSPAP: Why We Need to Include Physical Activity in Schools
This presentation talks about the benefits of physical activity in general. It also provides the research behind including physical activity in schools and the benefits of it. […]
Staff Checklist Challenge
Together, with my school’s Wellness team, I created this Checklist Challenge. Simply, we came up with a list of 10 exercises and healthy habits that everyone can do, (or be modified, if need be). The… […]
CSU Master Gardener Resources
Master Gardeners enhance Colorado communities through outreach, education and environmental stewardship. This resource from the CSU extension provides great resources for your home garden. […]
Edible Container Gardens
DIY – Edible container gardens, made from things you have on hand, including vegetable scraps! Video by Douglas County School District’s Heather Berry from Highlands ranch High School and the Office of Sustainability. […]
30 Day Health Mayhem
This 30 day calendar provides a workout, healthy recipe and mindfulness practice for the whole month of May. […]
May Happiness Calendar
This is a Calendar sponsored by the Greater Good Science Center encourages building relationships and building optimism. […]
Staff Checklist Challenge

Have a bit of fun with the entire staff at your school. Get into teams and have fun ‘competing’ against each other, towards a fitter and healthier lifestyle. […]
Water: It’s in your nature
Do you know how much water your body needs to perform at optimal level? What about if you perform extra activities for the day, how much will you need then? This resource will give you… […]
Sitting and Lower Back Pain
If you are experiencing any lower back pain, it may be caused by how you are sitting, the length of time you are sitting, or both. Try these suggestions to see if you can get… […]
Employee Wellness Staff Interest Survey
This short survey is designed to determine employees’ interests, while at the same time giving employees a chance to better understand the concept of a wellness program. […]
Model Local Wellness Policy
This “Basic” district-level wellness policy template meets the minimum Federal standards for local school wellness policy implementation under the final rule of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation… […]
Winding Down for Better Sleep
You’ve heard it all before, but now it is time to put it into practice. The tough one for me is “Put away and power off devices”. When I do this though, I notice my… […]
Lose Weight the Healthy Way
If you want to lose some weight, do it the Healthy way! There are many diets and regimes out there and a lot of them do not promote a lifestyle change. They are a quick… […]
Learning at Home-Getting Connected Online
Browse ways to get students and homes connected for online learning. This resource is provided by the CDE and covers online resources, best practices for educators and families, getting connected, guidance on e-learning technology and… […]
Helping Teens Assess Their Sleep Needs
The Alliance for a Healthier Generation offers this tool to help individuals of all ages assess their sleep. […]
Smart Snacks Product Calculator
This resource, developed by the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, allows the user to determine if their food or beverage fits within the nutrition requirements for Smart Snacks. […]
USDA Guide to Smart Snacks in School
This resource, developed by the USDA, provides guidance on the Smart Snacks program and foods and beverages that align. […]
USDA Child and Adult Care Food Program Meal Patterns
This resource, developed by the USDA, outlines the required meal components and amounts for CACFP. […]
National School Lunch Program Meal Pattern
This resource, developed by the Colorado Department of Education, outlines the required meal components for the National School Lunch Program. […]
School Breakfast Program Meal Pattern
This resource, developed by the Colorado Department of Education, outlines the required meal components for the national School Breakfast Program. […]
USDA Food Buying Guide
An interactive tool that provides helpful information for Child Nutrition Programs. […]
The Five Ds of Destressing
Everyone gets stressed. It’s normal, it’s a part of survival. However, not everyone knows how to cope with it in a positive and healthy way. Read this article and you will gain valuable information and… […]
A Review of Publicly Available Online Physical Education Resources
This document was created by undergraduate students majoring in Physical Education, as part of their Elementary Methods class at UNC. The content and process was under the supervision of PhD Candidate Xiapoing Fan and Dr…. […]
Mental Health Tips While At Home, From Teens for Teens
Children’s Hospital Colorado’s Youth Action Board consists of 17 high school students from across the Denver metro area plus Fort Morgan. They are passionate advocates for youth mental wellness aiming to create more caring, connective,… […]
Down Dog
Yoga, HIIT or Barre! This free app (until July 1st) is instructor led and allows you to fully customize what your workout will look like. You will choose your skill level, time limit, length of… […]
The Science of Well-Being
I highly recommend this course. It has a lot of great information, teachings and insights relating to your happiness. The course covers topics that include; “What do we think will make us happy?”, “Why do… […]
Social Emotional Ecosystem
An ecosystem framework to ensure the social, emotional, and academic development of every student. […]
OPEN National Field Day
OPEN National Trainers have stepped up to create an amazing event that can help bring our entire community together on May 8th. If your community is lucky and school is back for your kids, that’s okay!… […]
Wide Open School Resource
Curated and coordinated by the experts at Common Sense, Wide Open School is the result of a collaboration among leading publishers, nonprofits, and education and technology companies. Wide Open School features a free collection of the… […]
SHAPE AMERICA PE Resources for COVID-19 Times
A collection of resources from SHAPE America and other K-12 health and physical educators to help you continue to provide high-quality, standards-based lessons despite the circumstances. They will be updating constantly. Lots of tips and… […]
FREE Playdough Mats Pack
This pack contains a selection of print and laminate playdough mats suitable for fine motor practice throughout the year. Perfect for small group work and centers! The pack contains a wide variety of themed mats… […]
FREE Special Education Teaching Pack
Support inclusive teaching and learning in your Special Education setting with the Free Special Education Teaching Pack. This pack features top-rated resources for children who need additional support with cognitive, sensory and physical, and social… […]
FREE Homeschool Teaching Pack
Support student learning in your homeschool with the FREE Homeschool Teaching Pack. This pack features resources for children ages 4-11. Keep minds active throughout the homeschool year, in the home and outside exploring the great… […]
Free KS1 Parents’ Taster Resource Pack
This lovely pack of free resources has been created especially for parents! With guides, activities, revision and information to help you to support your child at home, this pack shows you what Twinkl has to… […]
Free KS1 Poetry Taster Resource Pack
Use this fabulous pack of free Twinkl poetry resources to encourage your KS1 pupils to read, recite, understand and write different types of poetry. Includes Poem Activity PowerPoints and a Handwriting Worksheet to get your… […]
Free Flowers Colouring Pages
These lovely Flower Colouring Pages are great to give children the opportunity to practice their colouring and fine motor skills. There are four different colouring pages to complete, which are ideal to use during wet… […]
Blank Clock Templates – Free Resource
These handy blank clock templates are great for Maths lessons and ideal for Year 1 and Year 2 students learning to tell the time and read a 12-hour clock. There are sheets with multiple clocks… […]
Free Flowers Colouring Pages
These lovely Flower Colouring Pages are great to give children the opportunity to practice their colouring and fine motor skills. There are four different colouring pages to complete, which are ideal to use during wet… […]
FREE! – Sun, Moon and Earth Overview Differentiated Lesson Teaching Pack
Perfect for whole-class teaching, this PowerPoint features some handy information to help support your teaching on this topic along with a few question prompts for you to finish up with. Great for starting discussions! […]
FREE! – UK Parliament: What is Parliament? PowerPoint
Use this fantastic PowerPoint, created in partnership with the Parliament Education Service, to teach your children what Parliament is and why it is important. […]
FREE! – Word Mat: 100 High Frequency Words
Help improve your young learner’s vocabulary with this list of sight words for Year 1. This high-frequency word mat features 100 high-frequency words to use in speaking and writing activities with your students. This resource… […]
FREE! – Easter Egg Mindfulness Colouring Pages
These Easter Egg Mindfulness Colouring Pages are excellent colouring in pages to help with mindfulness in class. They can be printed off and used by students to further their concentration skills and reduce stress. Furthermore,… […]
Free KS1 Classic England Taster Resource Pack
A lovely, free taster pack of KS1 teaching resources, worksheets, games and activities to give you an idea of what the Twinkl Classic package has to offer. Download this free Twinkl Classic taster pack of… […]
Free Parent Mixed Ages Taster Resource Pack
In this taster pack, you’ll find a range of free resources for parents to use at home to support their children in key stage 1 and 2. Whether you’re looking to support your child with… […]
FREE! – Money Maths Problem Solving PowerPoint
This PowerPoint is great for learners sloving problems while working with South African money in Maths. […]
Free Parents’ Taster Pack for Children Aged 5-7
This lovely pack of free resources has been created especially for parents of children aged 5 – 7. Including a SATs survival pack, activities, phonics, mindfulness colouring, information & more!. This pack can help you… […]
FREE! – UKS2 What Is Coronavirus? Daily News Story With Teacher Guidance
Use the UKS2 What Is Coronavirus? Daily News Story to help you answer questions about the coronavirus and discuss what they have seen in the news. It is written and designed for children ages 9-11…. […]
FREE! – Year 6 School Closure Home Learning Resource Pack
Keep your child busy and learning in the event that their school closes by downloading this great pack of resources. With a range of fun, engaging and challenging activities, children will practise fundamental skills and… […]
FREE! – Year 6 School Closure Home Learning Resource Pack
Keep your child busy and learning in the event that their school closes by downloading this great pack of resources. With a range of fun, engaging and challenging activities, children will practise fundamental skills and… […]
FREE! – Year 5 School Closure Home Learning Resource Pack
To keep your child busy and learning in the event that their school closes, download this great pack of resources. With a range of fun, engaging and challenging activities, children will practise fundamental skills and… […]
FREE! – Year 4 School Closure Home Learning Resource Pack
To teach your child in the event that their school closes, download this great pack of resources which will keep them busy and learning. With a range of fun, engaging and challenging activities, children will… […]
FREE! – Year 3 School Closure Home Learning Resource Pack
Grab this great pack of resources to keep your child busy and learning in the event that their school closes. With a range of fun, engaging and challenging activities, children will practise fundamental skills and… […]
FREE! – Science in the News: Coronavirus
This PowerPoint helps bring a topical scientific issue into the classroom. Coronavirus is the main current science in the news story which students may already have questions about. This Coronavirus KS3 PowerPoint helps address what… […]
Year 2 School Closure Home Learning Resource Pack
This great pack of resources is perfect for keeping your child busy and learning in the event that their school closes. With a range of fun, engaging and challenging activities, children will practise fundamental skills… […]
Year 1 School Closure Home Learning Resource Pack
Download this brilliant pack of resources to keep your child busy and learning in the event that their school closes. With a range of fun, engaging and challenging activities, children will practise fundamental skills and… […]
Government Recommended Advice on Coronavirus for Places of Education February 2020
Use this helpful poster for information and advice on coronavirus in places of education. The poster details how serious coronavirus is and how likely people are to catch the virus. It includes advice on how… […]
EYFS Reception School Closure Home Learning Resource Pack
Use this handy pack of EYFS resources to keep your early years child busy and learning in the event that their school is closed. The pack contains a range of fun, engaging and challenging activities… […]
Healthy Celebration & Non-Food Rewards
List of resources to support healthy celebrations and non-food rewards. […]
Mind Body Activity Calendar from SHAPE´s Health Moves Minds
This calendar, created as part of the Health Moves Minds Program of SHAPE AMERICA, helps stimulate ideas for engaging mind and body towards healthier practices. Its part of the newest initiative at SHAPE to teach… […]
The IDEAS 4 School Health Website – A website on Evidence Based Resources to help improve school health & academics
There is a significant amount of literature concerning policies, programs, and practices for comprehensive school health; however, there remained a need to curate the existing evidence-based strategies into a high quality and usable resource for… […]
Health and Hygiene Display Posters
A colourful set of posters to help remind children how to be healthy and have good hygiene. An all-round useful resource, you can use these posters as a day to day prompt for children. Help… […]
Creating Safe School Environments in Colorado

Policymakers, educators and advocates have identified a need to increase school safety following several high profile incidents of violence in U.S. schools. The Colorado Children’s Campaign compiled existing research on strategies to create safer school… […]
Student and Family Engagement in School Meals
Stakeholder buy-in is essential for any successful project, as they are influential in implementation and sustainability. When students and family members have opportunities to provide both suggestions and feedback for school meals and other foods… […]
Simple Tips to Eat More Fruits & Veggies
Encouraging kids to choose healthy foods like fruits and vegetables for themselves has a proven positive impact on their well-being and confidence. This handy resource helps families eat the recommended 5 or more servings of… […]
Lunch for the Win
When students eat healthy meals, they are better prepared to learn. Using this resource, staff and families can build quick meals from more than 30 healthy main courses, snacks, and sides. This resource can even… […]
Healthy Celebration Sign-Up
In order to send a consistent message to students about good nutrition and healthy eating, it is important that celebrations reflect the healthy practices that are in place throughout schools. Schools can use this editable… […]
Healthy Celebrations Letter for Families
In order to send a consistent message to students about good nutrition and healthy eating, it is important that celebrations reflect the healthy practices that are in place throughout schools. Schools can use this editable… […]
Healthier Breakfasts for Students
It’s no surprise that many people feel breakfast is the most important meal of the day. When students eat a healthy breakfast, they are mentally and physically prepared to learn. This resource provides tips and… […]
Celebrations that Support Child Health
Schools and afterschool programs play an important role in helping students learn about healthy eating. School celebrations can reinforce messages about good nutrition and health when they include healthy foods and beverages and provide opportunities… […]
Time to Eat – Brief
Do students in public schools receive adequate time to for lunch? In this brief, produced by The Colorado’s Children Campaign, learn about the link more about the important link between a lack of time to… […]
Relationship Between Physical Activity and Academic Acheivement

Many studies have been done on the relationship between physical activity and academic achievement. Here is a resource citing several studies that support this conclusion. […]
The Benefits of Eating Meals As A Family
This is a terrific resource to share with parents on the benefits of eating with their children. This resource is from Action for Healthy Kids. Places to use this resource: Pre-Schools, School and District Newsletters/Communication… […]
Academic Integration of Physical Activity
This Physical Activity Integration Resource Manual was created by one of our Interns at the UNC Active Schools Institute. It offers examples of classroom physical activity that support academic content including science, math and language… […]
Healthy Vending Options for Schools-A Resource Kit and Healthy Vending Options
The Wellness Committee at Denver Schools of the Arts put together a terrific set of resources to promote healthy vending in schools: A summary of the Healthier school vending machine policy proposal the youth came… […]
Youth Opportunity – Youth Partnership for Health (YPH) Now Accepting Applications

Calling all youth ages 13 – 19 with diverse life experience and passion for youth health! YPH is a youth advisory council that allows young people to voice their ideas and opinions with state, local… […]
Weld County School District 6 Farm to School Program Resources

Resources to improve your already established Farm to School program or start a new one in your community. […]
School Food Marketing
LiveWell Colorado has over 40 tools available to parents, students and school food professionals interested in promoting their school meal program. There are so many great things happening in Colorado schools, find resources here to… […]
How You Can Advance Your Healthy School Efforts

This document will help districts and schools identify the connection between federal and state requirements (such as the Every Student Succeeds Act) and some action to take to advance their efforts. […]
Learn to Code: What’s the Best Programming Language to Learn First?

Nobody knows your skillset better than you do. Only you truly understand your proficiency with specific codes, your capabilities, and your interests for future learning. There are so many options for coding out there, though,… […]
Joint Use Agreements
Encouraging the use of school playgrounds, gyms, workout centers, tracks and fields expands the opportunities for physical activity. Making facilities open and available to students, their families, and the community outside of school hours can… […]
Eating Healthy at Home: Free Healthy Eating Resources for Families from Kohl’s and Alliance for a Healthier Generation

Use our free tools, resources, recipes and more to positively impact your family’s health and well-being. […]
Children’s Nutrition Guide

As children grow up, it is very important that good nutrition be a part of their early years leading to adulthood. Most of this responsibility falls on the shoulders of the parents, who need to… […]
USDA National School Lunch Program Equipment Assistance Grant
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will soon accept applications for the Food and Nutrition Service Equipment Assistance Grant. Eligible School Fund Authorities (SFAs) participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) are encouraged to… […]
Comprehensive Health & Wellness Plan Template

This template was created as a guide to develop a comprehensive health and wellness plan to implement the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Model in a school or district. All prompts and structures included… […]

This guide was created using the principles of Assess, Identify, Make It Happen (AIM), a strategic planning process that has been shown to result in changes to school environments to promote student health. The purpose… […]
New Funding Opportunity: K-5 Social-Emotional Health Pilot Program

The intent of the K-5 Social-Emotional Pilot Program is to place a team of school mental health professionals in every pilot program school and will allow the team, in partnership with classroom teachers, to provide… […]
Familia Adelante

Familia Adelante is a prevention and early intervention 12-week evidence-based program tailored for at-risk Latino youth ages 10-17. Youth and their families are provided with techniques for overcoming risk factors and stressors, ultimately strengthening ties… […]
New Funding Opportunity: Comprehensive Quality Physical Education Instruction Pilot Program Grant

The Colorado Health and Wellness through Comprehensive Quality Physical Education Instruction Pilot Program Legislative declaration 22-99-11 states that it is important to the health and well-being of Colorado’s children and youth to ensure competent and… […]
Funding Opportunity: Comprehensive Quality Physical Education Instruction Pilot Program Grant

The Colorado Health and Wellness through Comprehensive Quality Physical Education Instruction Pilot Program Legislative declaration 22-99-11 states that it is important to the health and well-being of Colorado’s children and youth to ensure competent and… […]
Tobacco-Free Schools Enforcement Strategies

Use of electronic cigarettes continues to be a serious problem in Colorado and the nation. Resources are available to help address nicotine vaping, e-cigarette and other tobacco use among Colorado youth. E-cigarette use is not… […]
Call to Action

The Colorado Alliance for School Health has recently published a Call to Action. Its intent is to define school health services, elevate the importance of these services, outline opportunities for health and education to work… […]
Funding Opportunity: Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education (CHSE)

CDPHE’s new Comprehensive Human Sexuality Education (CHSE) Funding Opportunity has been released! Purpose: To support implementation of comprehensive human sexuality education content that is medically accurate, culturally sensitive, inclusive of a positive youth development approach,… […]
5 Ways to Get Started on The Hub
Quick tips to help you become familiar with The Hub. […]

Ghosted is the story of four students as they navigate a single day of high school. When one of the them experiences anxiety and visits the counselor’s office, circumstances lead the other characters to reveal… […]
Quality Professional Development Webinar

The Quality Professional Development (QPD) Webinar is a supplemental tool for QPD workshop evaluation. The webinar will help patrons identify the four characteristics of QPD, as well as learn how to evaluate the extent to… […]
Opportunities to Increase Access and Participation in Colorado’s Federal Child Nutrition Programs

CDE, in collaboration with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s evaluation branch, has completed a statewide needs assessment providing insight into the opportunities and barriers for increasing access to federal child nutrition programs. […]
Colorado School District Immunization Fact Sheets and Data Dashboard
Ensuring adequate vaccination coverage helps to protect the health of students, staff, and others in the community and helps to prevent absenteeism, exclusions, and other societal and economic costs. The Colorado Children’s Immunization Coalition’s school… […]
Healthy Schools Toolkit: Together for Healthy & Successful Schools

The Healthy Schools Toolkit is a new resource designed to help educators build healthy schools from the inside out to ensure all students are healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged. The Healthy Schools Toolkit is… […]
Summer PAL Academy – Beyond Obesity: Benefits of Physical Activity for the Whole Child
Join us for a conversation on how school physical activity can benefit academic achievement, classroom behaviors, and social-emotional wellbeing for students and educators. -6 hours of Continuing Education Credits -Lunch and refreshments included -Door Prizes!… […]
Summer Food Service Program

The Summer Food Service Program provides free breakfast, lunch, snack and supper to youth in Colorado all summer long. Anyone 18 years of age and younger is welcome to eat a meal with their friends… […]
The Hub Thank You
Individuals and organizations that participated in creation of The Hub. […]
The Science of Play: A Treatise by Dr. Stuart Brown

As a like-minded play advocate, PlayCore is proud to partner with Dr. Stuart Brown on furthering the advancement of play and helping our world understand the critical importance of participating in play throughout life. Our… […]
School Water Activation Toolkit & Resources

Are you interested in improving student’s access to water throughout the school day? Schools play a vital role in the health of children. Access to safe and free drinking water provides kids a healthy alternative… […]
Play On! Promoting Physical Activity and Fitness Through Active Play

Play On!® is a standards-based physical education program that promotes overall fitness, learning, and fun on the playground! Developed by Shape America and authored by experts from Louisiana State University, Play On!® focuses on overall… […]
Outdoor Creative Play & Learning, Standards Based Activities

The Outdoor Creative Play and Learning standards-based program offers unique opportunities to extend classroom learning outdoors! Developed in partnership with PlayCore and Robert-Leslie Publishing, the playground activities are designed to stimulate creativity, imagination, and learning… […]
2 Play Together, Playground Programming to Foster Friendships Through Inclusive Play

Thinking strategically about how your inclusive play environment will be programmed can greatly increase the usage of the space and further promote social equity in your community. 2 Play Together® strives to make a positive… […]
Mental Health and Suicide Prevention – How to Talk to Children and Youth
It is important that adults establish open communication with children and youth to ask about their emotions, their worries, and what gives them hope. Being able to talk about complex and challenging emotions is a… […]
Colorado’s Positive Youth Development Training System

Colorado is recognized as a leader in promoting and operationalizing Positive Youth Develoment (PYD) at the state, local and community level. PYD has become a highly recognized and frequently requested training. PYD is an approach… […]
Understanding Mental Health and Mental Illness: Mental Health & High School Curriculum Guide

This guide provides a complete set of evidence-based teaching lessons and resources to increase the understanding of mental health and mental disorders, decrease the stigma of mental illness and enhance help-seeking efficacy among both students… […]
Educating Colorado Youth to Be Responsible Drivers- A Class for Parents and Their New Teen Drivers
The Graduated Driver Licensing Seminar is a free valuable resource provided by DRIVE SMART designed to help parents and teens learn the laws of the restricted license. This seminar is a 1 hour program focusing… […]
Take a Break! Teacher Toolbox for Physical Activity Breaks in the Secondary Classroom

When you move more, you learn more because healthy students learn better. Research shows that physical activity (PA) affects the brain in ways that allow students to be more engaged and ready to learn. Elementary… […]
Innovative Approaches in School Climate: Using Students as Agents of Change

Programs that focus on the whole student, building social and emotion skills, and addressing social, emotional health issues are the most promising in yielding positive social, emotional outcomes. These programs empower students to change culture… […]
Empowering Wellness: Manitou Springs School District 14 Video

Manitou Springs School District 14 is the 2017 Healthy School Champions recipient of the Platinum Governor’s Award for School Health and Wellness. Manitou Springs is implementing school health into their systems, policies, structures, and culture. They… […]
A Way of Wellness: Fraser Valley Elementary Video

Fraser Valley Elementary School in Fraser, CO, is the 2018 Healthy School Champions recipient of the Platinum Governor’s Award for School Health and Wellness. Fraser Valley has embedded health as a core component of their… […]
Buffalo School District: Engaging Youth as Leaders in School Wellness

Colorado’s Buffalo School District RE- 4J has truly empowered students to be leaders and agents of change. The district wellness committee is comprised of and led by 15 high school students, and those students have… […]
Recess Rocks!

Research shows that physical activity can help improve academic achievement, including grads and standardized test scores, better school attendance, and decrease disciplinary problems. In Colorado, the Physical Activity Law requires all public elementary schools to… […]
Students Mentoring Students (SMS) Curriculum

At Poudre High School in Fort Collins, CO, students teach other students important lessons in diversity, equity, and social-emotional skills that not only create a more inclusive climate but impact academic achievement as well. Both… […]
Show Me the Money: Writing a Successful Grant Application

Successful grant writing is part art and part science. This webinar will provide specific tips and strategies for writing a fundable grant application including an emphasis on two areas that often cause an application not… […]
Students as Change Agents: The Use of Student Perception Survey and Climate Data Webinar

Schools and districts throughout the country are beginning to use student perception surveys (SPSs) to gather data about how students are experiencing their schools, classrooms, and teachers. Listen in as this webinar explains the work… […]
Students as Change Agents: The Use of Student Perception Survey and Climate Data Facilitation Guide

Schools and districts throughout the country are beginning to use student perception surveys (SPSs) to gather data about how students are experiencing their schools, classrooms, and teachers. Dolores School District in Dolores, Colo., has taken… […]
School Health and Wellness: Implications of State and Federal Legislation

We know healthy students learn better, but how do you get in front of school, district, and state leaders for vital education conversations? The answer? Become knowledgeable about the policies that impact school health. Policy… […]
Paving the Way: Putting Wellness Policy into Action

Welcome to Part II of the Local Wellness Policy Webinar Series. The Colorado Education Initiative and the Office of School Nutrition at the Colorado Department of Education partnered to help you update and implement your… […]
Paving the Way: Guidance on Updating Your Local Wellness Policy

Welcome to Part I of the Local Wellness Policy Webinar Series. The Colorado Education Initiative and the Office of School Nutrition at the Colorado Department of Education partnered to help you update and implement your… […]
Honey, I Empowered the Youth: Creating Youth Advisory Councils Webinar

Engaging youth is a vital component to the success of any education or health endeavor. Students should be given the voice to co-create and partner with school and community leaders in the design and implementation… […]
The Lunch Box- Lunchroom Education: Rainbow Days

Check out this webpage from The Lunch Box with lunchroom education resources. On a Rainbow Day, students are asked to use fruits and vegetables from the salad bar to create a “rainbow” of at least… […]
Water: It’s in Your Nature Resources

Are you interested in getting students invested in the benefits of drinking water and understanding the consequences of sugary drinks? The Jeffco Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) partnered with the regional Healthy Beverage Partnership, Kaiser… […]
Tools for Integrating an Equity Lens

Every planning process has “choice points” – those places where decisions made will either increase or decrease equity. But how does one identify those choice points? How does one use those choice points to turn… […]
School Mental Health Toolkit

The School Mental Health Toolkit is a blueprint for school mental health services and will guide community members, schools, local leaders, and districts through 10 best practices, including strategies for implementing, funding, and sustaining mental… […]
Engaging Youth as Partners in Creating Healthy, Safe, and Welcoming Schools

Youth engagement is a critical component in creating a supportive environment for social and emotional wellness and academic growth for students. Youth engagement is a powerful approach to improving policies, programs, and practices related to… […]
LiveWell’s School Food Initiative – Parent and Family Tools

LiveWell’s School Food Initiative is happy to provide a variety of resources for parents and families, including action planning tools, talking points for addressing school food, as well as assessment tools and recruitment tools. […]

Laughaceuticals is an interactive workshop where ADULT participants engage in improvisational theatre techniques and exercises to have fun, laugh, and play. Throughout the workshop, ideas and statistics supported by evidenced-based research are provided and discussed… […]
Smart Guide: Family Engagement

The Smart Guides focus on each of the 10 component areas of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. The Family Engagement Smart Guide provides a description of the component, examples of how… […]
Helping Kids Learn Better with Healthy School Meals

Kids who eat healthy school meals have fewer absences and higher academic achievement. Making school meals healthy, nutritious, and successful is both a challenge and an incredible opportunity. In this recorded webinar, you’ll learn how… […]
Nutrition Environment and Services: WSCC Menu Advocacy Brief

As schools pursue the strategies for each component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, using evidenced-based strategies increases their likelihood of successful results. This document provides a sampling of the benefits and… […]
LiveWell’s School Food Initiative – Menu of Services

The LiveWell@School Food Initiative is pleased to offer customized trainings and workshops for school districts, utilizing a combination of training modules. […]
High School Coffee Cart Guidance

In an effort to promote school health, the Healthy and Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 established nutrition standards for all foods sold in school, which includes high school coffee carts. Caffeinated beverages may only be… […]
Quality Professional Development Levels of Support

This resource provides a description of tiered levels of support, offered by the University of Northern Colorado Active Schools Lab, for organizations that want to ensure their new or existing professional development (PD) services (e.g.,… […]
Game On Progam

Action for Healthy Kids’ “Game On Program” is a flexible and adaptable multi-year framework that supports America’s schools in creating healthier school environments for students, staff, and the communities they serve. This no-cost, online, step-by-step… […]
Creating Youth Advisory Councils

The Colorado Education Initiative (CEI), Kaiser Permanente Colorado, Buffalo School District RE-4J, and Jeffco Public Schools partnered to create a “how to guide” for schools and school districts wanting to engage youth voice and create… […]
Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP)

This is a technical assistance document on developing behavior intervention plans based on a functional behavioral assessment from the CDE’s Exceptional Student Services Unit. A functional behavioral assessment (FBA) is a process for gathering information about… […]
Evidence-Based Practice Guide

When school health efforts are supported by evidence-based practices (EBPs), they’re better able to produce successful outcomes for students and school communities. Schools and district can use this guide to identify evidence-based practices and describe… […]
Introduction to WSCC Menus of Evidence-based Practices

This document overviews how to use the Menus of Evidence-Based Practices, based on the 10 components of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model. The Menus are resources for school and district educational professionals… […]
Community Involvement: WSCC Menu of Evidence-based Practices

This menu provides a user-friendly overview of evidence-based practices for the Community Involvement component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model. […]
Colorado Retail Marijuana Education and Prevention Resource Guide

This guide provides tools for retail marijuana education and prevention efforts. It is an overview of education and prevention programs and research, links to fact sheets, talking points, campaign materials, webinars and trainings, activities, and… […]
CAPS: Connecting, Asking, Participating, and Speaking Up

CAPS (Connecting, Asking, Participating, and Speaking Up) is a student-created initiative that includes brief activities and lessons focusing on Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD). In 2013, Jeffco Public Schools high school students were asked… […]
A School Without Hate – PEACE Checklist

The Jeffco Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC), Kaiser’s Arts Integrated Resources, and Day Without Hate have fostered a positive culture and climate in schools by using the PEACE Checklist. Schools in Jeffco have been able… […]
Bicycle Safety Lesson Plans (Grades 3-6)

This resource includes lesson plans for implementing a bicycle safety program in school curriculum, particularly in physical education classes, for students from third through 6th (or even 8th) grade. These lesson plans introduce a variety of… […]
Alliance for a Healthier Generation – Healthy Schools Program

Is your school ready to join the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s Healthy Schools Program? This link will take you to a sign-in page where you will have access to free guidance, tools, and resources… […]
Young Athletes

Offered by Special Olympics Colorado, Young Athletes (YA) aims to welcome children with intellectual disabilities (ID), ages 2 1/2 to 7, and their families to the Special Olympics movement. YA is a sports play program… […]
Unified Champion Schools

Unified Champion Schools (UCS) is an internationally recognized inclusive program managed by Special Olympics Colorado (SOCO) that empowers youth, with and without intellectual disabilities (ID), to be leaders of change by playing and learning together…. […]
School-Based Health Center (SBHC) Program

The purpose of the SBHC Program is to provide grants to school-based health centers with priority given to centers that serve a disproportionate number of uninsured or underinsured children and youth (defined as birth to… […]
School Bullying Prevention and Education Grant

The Colorado Department of Education (CDE) provides the Colorado School Bullying Prevention and Education Grant Program (BPEG) to reduce the frequency of bullying incidents. Grant activities include: – Implementing evidence-based bullying prevention practices – Family… […]
Safe Routes to School Technical Assistance

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) provides technical assistance to schools, school districts, cities, towns, and counties looking to set up or improve a Safe Routes to School program. This is free of charge. Please… […]
Healthy LEAP

Unified Champion Schools (UCS) is an internationally recognized inclusive program that actively engages youth, with and without intellectual disabilities (ID), to promote social, emotional, and physical health and awareness for all students. Special Olympics Colorado… […]
Colorado Safe Routes to School Grant Opportunities

Colorado SRTS (CSRTS) offers grant funding through a statewide competitive application. Look for applications on the website every August of even numbered years. Both infrastructure (built environments) and non-infrastructure (education, enforcement, & encouragement) projects are… […]
Social Emotional Climate: WSCC Menu of Evidence-based Practices

This menu provides a user-friendly overview of evidence-based practices for the Social Emotional Climate component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model. […]
Physical Environment: WSCC Menu of Evidence-based Practices

This menu provides a user-friendly overview of evidence-based practices for the Physical Environment component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model. […]
Physical Education and Physical Activity: WSCC Menu of Evidence-based Practices

This menu provides a user-friendly overview of evidence-based practices for the Physical Education & Physical Activity component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model. […]
Nutrition Environment and Services: WSCC Menu of Evidence-based Practices

This menu provides a user-friendly overview of evidence-based practices for the Nutrition Environment & Services component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model. […]
School-based Health Services: WSCC Menu of Evidence-based Practices

This menu provides a user-friendly overview of evidence-based practices for the Health Services component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model. […]
Health Education: WSCC Menu of Evidence-based Practices

This menu provides a user-friendly overview of evidence-based practices for the Health Education component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model. […]
Family Engagement: WSCC Menu of Evidence-based Practices

This menu provides a user-friendly overview of evidence-based practices for the Family Engagement component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model. […]
Employee Wellness: WSCC Menu of Evidence-based Practices

This menu provides a user-friendly overview of evidence-based practices for the Employee Wellness component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model. […]
Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services: WSCC Menu of Evidence-based Practices

This menu provides a user-friendly overview of evidence-based practices for the Counseling, Psychological, & Social Services component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model. […]
Trauma Informed Education Resource List

Every year, approximately 1 in 4 children under age 18 experiences a potentially traumatic event. Trauma, particularly in a child, can have a lasting emotional effect. This document from the Cross Systems Training Institute provides… […]
Taste Testing Guide for Parents and Families

Turn regular taste tests into an exciting school-wide event! Taste testing is a great way to build-up the relationship between food service personnel, families, and the rest of the school community. Additionally, as students become familiar… […]
Taste Testing for Nutrition Services Staff

This resource from the LiveWell@School Food Initiative presents a how-to guide for Nutrition Services staff to conduct taste tests in the cafeteria. […]
Healthy Schools Needs Assessment

The Healthy Schools Collective Impact (now called Healthy Schools Successful Students) vision is that all Colorado youth are healthy and reach their full potential with the bold goal that, by 2025, all Colorado K-12 public… […]
Health Education: WSCC Menu Advocacy Brief

As schools pursue the strategies for each component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, using evidenced-based strategies increases their likelihood of successful results. This document provides a sampling of the benefits… […]
Guidelines for Implementing LiveWell’s School Food Initiative Student Survey

Use these guidelines to learn about how to survey students in your school to help identify what is currently popular on your school menus. A template with the student survey can be found in the… […]
Family Engagement: WSCC Menu Advocacy Brief

As schools pursue the strategies for each component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, using evidenced-based strategies increases their likelihood of successful results. This document provides a sampling of the benefits… […]
Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services: WSCC Menu Advocacy Brief

As schools pursue the strategies for each component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, using evidenced-based strategies increases their likelihood of successful results. This document provides a sampling of the benefits… […]
Community Involvement: WSCC Menu Advocacy Brief

As schools pursue the strategies for each component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, using evidenced-based strategies increases their likelihood of successful results. This document provides a sampling of the benefits… […]
Mental Health First Aid Colorado Description

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an evidence-based training program to help identify mental health and substance abuse problems, connect individuals to care, and safely de-escalate crisis situations. Visit our website to find a class… […]
The Lunch Box – Food Service Recipes

The “Food Service Recipes” resource from The Lunch Box provides a database with over 300 USDA compliant school food recipes. All recipes have been thoroughly tested by Chef Ann Cooper of Boulder Valley School District…. […]
The Importance of Health and Wellness in Schools Video

This video shares the importance of addressing health and wellness in schools. We know that to create healthy and engaging learning environments, we need to give kids what they really need to succeed. We need… […]
Communication Tips: Get the Word Out About Your Tobacco-free Schools Policy

A carefully considered tobacco-free schools policy is the foundation of a comprehensive approach to tobacco prevention in schools. Policy is the mechanism that allows consistent standards and enforcement procedures to be passed from one school administrator… […]
Funding Opportunities for Farm to Cafeteria Programs Webinar

LiveWell Colorado and the Colorado Community College System recorded a webinar on funding sources that support Farm to Cafeteria programs that partner with high schools and community college Agriculture Tech Programs. This recorded webinar discusses:… […]
Employee Wellness: WSCC Menu Advocacy Brief

As schools pursue the strategies for each component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, using evidenced-based strategies increases their likelihood of successful results. This document provides a sampling of the benefits… […]
Care Equity Project

The Care Equity Project is a collaborative effort to assist community and school health care providers and Kaiser Permanente staff and physicians in improving health equity for patients living with limited financial resources. Programs are… […]
The Lunch Box – Food Services Human Resources

Every school district has a different organizational structure and hiring practices. In some districts, the food services department is responsible for all the hiring steps for their department, from developing job descriptions to posting, interviewing,… […]
Physical Education and Physical Activity: WSCC Menu Advocacy Brief

As schools pursue the strategies for each component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, using evidenced-based strategies increases their likelihood of successful results. This document provides a sampling of the benefits… […]
The Lunch Box – Food Service Taste Testing

According to the National Association for the Education for Young Children, a child must be offered a new food up to 10-15 times before they will eat it. With that information in hand, we have… […]
School-based Health Services: WSCC Menu Advocacy Brief

As schools pursue the strategies for each component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, using evidenced-based strategies increases their likelihood of successful results. This document provides a sampling of the benefits… […]
Physical Environment: WSCC Menu Advocacy Brief

As schools pursue the strategies for each component of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model, using evidenced-based strategies increases their likelihood of successful results. This document provides a sampling of the benefits… […]
Healthy Schools Needs Assessment Infographic

This infographic shares key findings from the Healthy Schools Collective Impact (now called Healthy Schools Successful Students) Needs Assessment conducted in 2017. This information is being used to guide collaboration across health and wellness efforts… […]
Youth Engagement Standards

Youth engagement doesn’t happen haphazardly or through one-time events and opportunities. Youth engagement is dependent upon the on-going, long term, and intentional weaving of practices into the environments where young people exist. Positive Youth Development… […]
LiveWell’s School Food Initiative – Webinars

LiveWell’s School Food Initiative is happy to provide a variety of webinars focusing on school food. These webinars include practical ideas to increase school lunch participation, promotional tools to market progress within Food & Nutrition… […]
LiveWell’s School Food Initiative – Student Tools

LiveWell’s School Food Initiative is happy to provide a variety of resources for students who care about school food. This resource includes practical ideas to increase school lunch participation, promotional tools to market progress within… […]

YouthCHAT is a free 2-hour youth-facilitated interactive workshop. The youth leaders of Kaiser Permanente’s Community Health Action Team (CHAT) created this innovative workshop to support health care professionals in optimizing youth wellness visits. This unique… […]
A School Without Hate and PEACE Checklist – Intro Video

The Jeffco Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC), Kaiser’s Arts Integrated Resources, and Day Without Hate have fostered a positive culture and climate in schools by using the PEACE Checklist. SHAC created a School Without Hate… […]
Tools for Engaging Nontraditional Voices

Nontraditional voices bring an important perspective to the policymaking table. Their experience is often needed to successfully identify and implement solutions to complex problems. Without this perspective, even well-meaning policies often do not have their… […]
WellSAT 2.0

The WellSAT 2.0 tool is used to assess the strength and quality of the local school wellness policy language. Note: This tool does not assess the implementation of a local school wellness policy. […]
Smarter Lunchrooms Scorecard 2.0

The Smarter Lunchrooms Scorecard 2.0 contains simple, no-cost or low-cost strategies that lunchrooms can use to increase participation, improve consumption of healthy food, and reduce food waste. The strategies are based on research from the… […]
Smarter Lunchrooms & Local Wellness Policy Language

All schools operating the National School Lunch/School Breakfast Program are required to have a local wellness policy which can drive change in a district’s wellness efforts. This tool provides sample language to include Smarter Lunchrooms… […]
Smart Guide: Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services

The Smart Guides focus on each of the 10 component areas of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. The Counseling, Psychological and Social Services Smart Guide provides a description of the component,… […]
Smart Guide: Social and Emotional Climate

The Smart Guides focus on each of the 10 component areas of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. The Social and Emotional Climate Smart Guide provides a description of the component, examples… […]
Smart Guide: Physical Environment

The Smart Guides focus on each of the 10 component areas of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. The Physical Environment Smart Guide provides a description of the component, examples of how… […]
Smart Guide: Nutrition Environment and Services

The Smart Guides focus on each of the 10 component areas of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. The Nutrition Environment and Services Smart Guide provides a description of the component, examples… […]
Smart Guide: Health Services

The Smart Guides focus on each of the 10 component areas of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. The Health Services Smart Guide provides a description of the component, examples of how… […]
Smart Guide: Health Education

The Smart Guides focus on each of the 10 component areas of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. The Health Education Smart Guide provides a description of the component, examples of how… […]
Smart Guide: Employee Wellness

The Smart Guides focus on each of the 10 component areas of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. The Employee Wellness Smart Guide provides a description of the component, examples of how… […]
Smart Guide: Community Involvement

The Smart Guides focus on each of the 10 component areas of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. The Community Involvement Smart Guide provides a description of the component, examples of how… […]
Smart Guide: Physical Education and Physical Activity

The Smart Guides focus on each of the 10 component areas of the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model. The Physical Education and Physical Activity Smart Guide provides a description of the component,… […]
LiveWell’s School Food Initiative – Student Survey

Use this survey to help identify what is currently popular on your school menus. This survey also provides a section where the students can vote on new menu items, with those items ideally being from-scratch… […]
Farm to School Evaluation Toolkit

The Farm to School Evaluation Toolkit is a resource to help farm to school programs of all sizes undertake evaluation. Evaluation can serve many purposes for farm to school programs, including helping demonstrating a program’s… […]
Data as a Tool for Change

Data can bring a new perspective to the decision-making process, going beyond what people in the room know intuitively. With the right approaches and practices, data can help inform decisions and amplify impact, thus better… […]
Comprehensive School Safety Planning: Suggested Elements for Districts and Schools

This template from the Colorado School Safety Resource Center was modeled after the U.S. Department of Education’s four phase model of emergency planning: Prevention/Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. This model is also in compliance with… […]
CDE Quality Indicator Tool for Serious Emotional Disabilities Programming

The CDE Serious Emotional Disability Quality Indicators (QI) offer guidance to educators and administrators when developing, implementing, and evaluating quality programming and services for students with a Serious Emotional Disability (SED). The Quality Indicators cannot be… […]
Amazon Healthier Generation Store

This online purchasing website was developed in partnership with Amazon and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation. Healthy snacks that meet the national Smart Snacks in School guidelines are available to purchase for school communities… […]
Alliance for a Healthier Generation Smart Food Planner

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation has an online tool for schools and communities to use in order to search for Smart Snacks in Schools compliance. The tool also provides access to nutrition resources such… […]
Walk to School Colorado! Toolkit

This toolkit was created to make organizing a Walk to School Colorado event easy to implement. The kit includes all the necessary steps in the planning process, including assessing your community’s interest in the program…. […]
Trauma-Informed Approaches in Schools: Keys to Successful Implementation in Colorado

The purpose of this document is to provide an aligned message to schools and districts on trauma, its’ prevalence in youth, and how schools can utilize trauma-informed approaches to change outcomes for students. This document… […]
Tobacco-free Schools Policy Checklist

The Tobacco-free Schools Policy Checklist Toolkit provides Colorado schools with tools and strategies for developing and implementing comprehensive policies and guidance as they review, revise, implement, and enforce tobacco-free school policies in their districts. […]
Strategies for Enforcement: Practical Tips for Enforcing Your Tobacco-free Schools Policy

A written district policy is only effective if it is communicated and enforced. The following document provides a range of options for schools and districts to consider as they decide the best way to enforce… […]
The Lunch Box – Food Services Strategic Planning

The “Strategic Planning” resource from The Lunch Box website includes guidance and a worksheet sample. This resource can help schools develop a strategic plan to put their vision of substantive change in their lunchrooms into… […]
Safe Routes to Schools – Community Coalition Building Toolkit

This toolkit is designed to help interested groups through the steps to organize a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) coalition in their school(s) community. The 5 Es of SRTS (education, encouragement, engineering, enforcement, and evaluation)… […]
Smart Snacks in School – Fact Sheet for Administrators

Smart Snacks in School are nutrition standards required by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010. This legislation mandated that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) establish nutrition standards for all foods sold in schools… […]
Short Lunch Periods Don’t Serve Students’ Needs (The Harvard Gazette)

This article from The Harvard Gazette reviews the length of time students need for a lunch period to have adequate time to eat. The article cites a study completed by Project Bread and Harvard Chan… […]
The Lunch Box – Salad Bars

The “Salad Bar” tab on The Lunch Box website offers tools for implementing salad bars in schools. This resource has guidance on training, operations, procurement, marketing, and planning. There are case studies, assessment tools, templates,… […]
Resources for Youth Suicide Prevention and Intervention – A Guide for Schools

This guide from the Colorado School Safety Resource Center provides a list of prevention programs for staff and students on the topic of suicide prevention and intervention. In this guide you will find information about… […]
The Lunch Box – Food Services Procurement

The “Procurement” resource from The Lunch Box has all of the information necessary for a school or district to start procuring foods for their scratch cooking mission. The website provides information on fresh food procurement,… […]
The Lunch Box – Food Services Posters and Signs

The “Posters and Signs” resource on The Lunch Box website has free downloadable, printable posters on everything from “The Five Meal Components” to “Harvest of the Month” stickers. Print out these free resources to better market… […]
Positive School Climate: Bullying and Harassment Prevention and Education School Resource Guide

This school guide includes resources that may help to address bullying and harassment in schools by providing programs/curricula descriptions, target audiences, costs, and contact information. Content of the guide includes ten best practices in bullying… […]
Pedestrian Safety Lesson Plans (Grades K-2)

This resource provides lesson plans for implementing a pedestrian safety program in your school curriculum, particularly in physical education classes. The curriculum is a combination of indoor and outdoor lessons that can be used together or… […]
Out-of-School Suspension: Consequences and Alternatives

In recent years, school suspension has become a common disciplinary practice in U.S. schools. Each day that school is in session, 18,000 public school students are suspended from school, and 560 students are expelled. The widespread use of… […]
The Lunch Box – Multimedia Training

This webpage from The Lunch Box features a variety of videos to support your food services and school nutrition efforts. From calibrating thermometers to stir frying vegetables, this multimedia resource offers education on food preparation techniques… […]
The Lunch Box – Food Service Menu Cycles

The “Menu Cycles” resource at The Lunch Box website offers breakfast and lunch menu cycles depending on the age group. You can download information including: USDA certification worksheets for each cycle week, nutrient analysis by day,… […]
The Lunch Box – Marketing Your Food Services Program

Marketing your school food program is an essential part of keeping it relevant and maintaining your wellness goals. This resource includes tips and tricks on branding your program, district communications, social media platforms, photos, and funding… […]
Local School Wellness Policy Outreach Toolkit (USDA)

Engage the broader school community in the implementation of the local school wellness policy with the USDA’s outreach toolkit. The toolkit includes: an example cover letter, letter to principal, parent flyer in English and Spanish, presentation… […]
Local School Wellness Policy – Summary of the Final Rule

A local school wellness policy is a written document that guides a district’s efforts to establish an environment that promotes students’ health, well-being, and ability to learn. The wellness policy requirement was strengthened by the… […]
Kindness in the Classroom K-8 Social Emotional Learning Curriculum

The Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Foundation’s Kindness in the Classroom curriculum is a free, evidenced-based, social emotional learning (SEL) program that supports educators in creating a culture of kindness in their classrooms, schools, and… […]
The Lunch Box – Junior Chef Competition

Hosting a junior chef competition in your school district is an innovative way to increase student participation in your school food program. This resource outlines the key benefits of hosting a junior chef competition and… […]
Integrating Health and Wellness for Student Success: The Story of Archuleta School District

When Colorado students are living in poverty, come to school hungry, or feel unsafe, this affects their ability to learn. In Archuleta School District’s Pagosa Springs Middle School they believe in the strong connection between… […]
How Long Does It Take Students to Eat Lunch?: A Summary of Three Studies (The Journal of Child Nutrition and Management)

The Institute of Child Nutrition (formerly the National Food Service Management Institute) sponsored three studies to identify the actual length of time students have to consume lunch. The studies found students have on average between… […]
Alliance for a Healthier Generation – Healthy Schools Framework

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation works to empower students to develop lifelong healthy habits by ensuring the environments that surround them provide and promote good health. The Alliance’s Healthy Schools Program helps to create… […]
Healthy Food Leads to Healthy Students in Silverton

After 100 years, a school in a mountain community now has a hot meals program. Committed to healthy kids and academic achievement, the Silverton School District developed menus to offer hot breakfasts and lunches to… […]
Health and Wellness: A Leadville School and Community Success Story

In 2016, Lake County Intermediate School in Leadville was recognized with the Healthy School Champions Platinum Governor’s Award for School Health and Wellness. However, it wasn’t long ago that health outcomes for Leadville kids weren’t… […]
Children’s Hospital Colorado – Health and safety information for families and schools

This website from Children’s Hospital Colorado provides content and resources for youth and child health, safety, and well-being on a wide range of topics that you can share with parents, caregivers, and families in your… […]
Greeley’s Farm to School Meal Program

The Farm to School Program is a national movement that connects schools and local farms in order to serve healthy meals in school cafeterias; provide agricultural, health, and nutrition education opportunities, and support local and… […]
LiveWell’s School Food Initiative – Food Service Director Marketing Tools

LiveWell’s School Food Initiative provides a variety of resources for our partners in school food, including practical ideas to increase school lunch participation, promotional tools to market progress within Food & Nutrition Services, and templates… […]
The Lunch Box – Food Services Fiscal Management

Fiscal accountability in district food service departments is imperative given the challenge of operating in a highly regulated environment, often with limited revenue, inadequate facilities, and the high personnel costs. When districts change from a… […]
The Lunch Box – Food Services Facilities Resource

It is essential for the district food service director and key members of their management team to learn enough about facility design and equipment to guide the district. This is the case whether the project… […]
Exceptional Student Services Technical Assistance Document: Anxiety

Anxiety disorders are among the most common psychiatric issues affecting children and adolescents. Children with internalizing disorders such as depression and anxiety are often overlooked, and symptoms are often not addressed. This technical assistance document… […]
Every Student Succeeds Action Framework for Health and Wellness

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) recognizes the vital role that health and wellness play in education. This document from the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and Healthy Schools Campaign focuses on supporting advocates who… […]
Essentials of School Threat Assessment: Preventing Targeted School Violence

This guide from the Colorado School Safety Resource Center reflects the work of the U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Department of Education on the essentials of school threat assessment and methods to prevent targeted… […]
Colorado School Safety Resource Center Restorative Practices Guide

Effective teaching and learning cannot take place unless students feel safe at school. Positive discipline policies and restorative practices can help create safer learning environments without relying heavily on suspensions and expulsions. This guide from… […]
Creating an Allies in Diversity Program

This guide offers step-by-step advice on how to foster an Allies in Diversity student club devoted to social justice, equity, diversity, and multiculturalism, as well as creating a safe place for students most at risk… […]
Core Subject Bicycle and Pedestrian Lesson Plans (K-8)

This resource provides lesson plans for bicycle and pedestrian topics in core subject matter areas such as math, social studies, reading, writing, science, and more. Includes resources for Kindergarten through 8th grade. The lesson plans… […]
Connecting Health and Learning is Vital to Student Success: An Overview of Relevant Research

Research shows that integrating school health best practices into the school schedule, policies, practices, and culture will yield better academic outcomes such as attendance, graduation rates, and test scores. This resource presents an overview of relevant research… […]
Colorado Healthy Beverages and Competitive Food Policies

According to the Colorado Competitive Food Service Policy (2202-R-201.00), “competitive food service” is any food or beverage sold to students that is separate from the district’s nonprofit, federally reimbursed food service program, and is provided… […]
Colorado Framework for School Behavioral Health

The Colorado Framework for School Behavioral Health Services melds a System of Care within a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS). The Framework includes three models of service delivery for students with high behavioral health needs:… […]
Child Sexual Abuse and Assault Prevention Resource Guide

This resource from the Colorado School Safety Resource Center is offered to satisfy legal mandates and community interest in implementing sexual abuse and assault prevention programs. This guide is updated annually. […]
Breakfast After the Bell Nutrition Program Fact Sheet

This resource provides an overview of House Bill 13-1006 which created the Breakfast After the Bell Nutrition Program (BABNP). The purpose of this program is to offer a breakfast, at no charge, to each student… […]
Bicycle Rodeo – Train the Trainer

These resources will help schools or districts with organizing a bicycle rodeo- a clinic to teach children the skills and precautions to ride a bicycle safely. All materials are available for download and use. Included are a… […]
Benefits of Farm to School (National Farm to School Network)

Kids win, farmers win, and communities win when schools choose to implement farm to school in the cafeteria. It creates connections within communities, unites students with where their food comes from, and strengthens the local… […]
Alternatives to Food Rewards in the Classroom

Food is commonly used to reward students for good behavior and academic performance. Yet, using food as reward can have negative consequences that go far beyond the short-term benefits. Many schools and districts have found ways… […]
Rangeview High School: Creating Safe, Caring, Engaging Schools

Rangeview High School in Aurora, CO is empowering students and creating a safe, caring, and engaging environment. Check out this five minute video to learn about innovative approaches in school climate and celebrating diversity at… […]
Alliance for a Healthier Generation – Model Wellness Policy

The Alliance for a Healthier Generation developed an excellent wellness policy template that meets the requirements of the local wellness policy final rule. A local wellness policy guides a school district’s efforts to establish a school… […]
All In: Using Advisory to Transform School Climate

Students who feel a positive connection with peers, teachers, and other adults in school are more likely to achieve academic success. Struggling students, who do not experience positive connections with others, often exhibit behavior that… […]
Adult Crossing Guard Training Resources

These resources were created by CDOT and other organizations to train volunteers or paid staff on becoming adult crossing guards. The Adult Crossing Guard Training Guidelines use national standards, best practices, and also incorporate state… […]
2018 Healthy School Champions Magazine

Each year, Healthy School Champions recognizes Colorado schools and districts for their success at creating a healthy school environment and implementing effective school health efforts that support student learning. This magazine features schools and districts… […]
Smart Source Data Tables: Health Statistics Regions

Smart Source is a streamlined tool available in Colorado allows all K-12 public schools to assess their health efforts to help ensure students are healthy and ready to learn. Smart Source replaces various state and national… […]
Smart Source Data Tables: Free and Reduced Lunch Eligibility

Smart Source is a streamlined tool available in Colorado allows all K-12 public schools to assess their health efforts to help ensure students are healthy and ready to learn. Smart Source replaces various state and national… […]
Smart Source Data Tables: District Size Data

Smart Source is a streamlined tool available in Colorado allows all K-12 public schools to assess their health efforts to help ensure students are healthy and ready to learn. Smart Source replaces various state and national… […]
Smart Source Data Tables: Regional Data

Smart Source is a streamlined tool available in Colorado allows all K-12 public schools to assess their health efforts to help ensure students are healthy and ready to learn. Smart Source replaces various state and national… […]
Smart Source Data Tables: State Data

Smart Source is a streamlined tool available in Colorado allows all K-12 public schools to assess their health efforts to help ensure students are healthy and ready to learn. Smart Source replaces various state and national… […]
Smart Source Data Snapshots: Select Results by District Size

Smart Source is a streamlined tool available in Colorado allows all K-12 public schools to assess their health efforts to help ensure students are healthy and ready to learn. Smart Source replaces various state and national… […]
Smart Source Data Snapshots: Indicators of Educational and Health Equity by School Level

Smart Source is a streamlined tool available in Colorado allows all K-12 public schools to assess their health efforts to help ensure students are healthy and ready to learn. Smart Source replaces various state and national… […]
Smart Source Data Snapshots: Indicators of Supportive Systems and Cultures for Health by School Level

Smart Source is a streamlined tool available in Colorado allows all K-12 public schools to assess their health efforts to help ensure students are healthy and ready to learn. Smart Source replaces various state and national… […]
Colorado Healthy Schools Smart Source

Colorado Healthy Schools Smart Source (Smart Source) is a FREE comprehensive streamlined data collection tool for any Colorado K-12 school. Smart Source serves as a comprehensive inventory of best practices related to health and wellness… […]
Students Mentoring Students (SMS) Curriculum Video

At Poudre High School in Fort Collins, CO, students teach other students important lessons in diversity, equity, and social-emotional skills that not only create a more inclusive climate but impact academic achievement as well. This… […]